I have always been intrigued by the human body and how it functions. I absolutely knew that the health field is where I wanted to be. In college I explored all health related fields and began shadowing medical doctors, pharmacists, dentist, veterinarians, optometrists and chiropractors. After shadowing many fields, I was most inspired by the first chiropractor I shadowed, Dr. Jason VanNess. He was a family man that truly loved his job what he was doing to help people. He was the first to educate me on the philosophy of chiropractic care.

Dr. VanNess explained that the human body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism that does not always need the use of drugs or surgery to correct its problems. As long as the nervous system can properly communicate to the body, it will heal itself.

It was after I began to speak to his patients and heard the amazing stories of how no other doctor has been able to help them that I realized how fulfilling this profession would be for me. It was seeing the emotion and gratitude in his patients as well as his ability to help them improve their quality of life through his adjustments that made me want to become a chiropractor.

Dr. Jake Hutzell

Education:Palmer Chiropractic College of Florida
University of Iowa | B.S. Biology
Growing up in the Midwest, if you’re going to chiropractic school then you have to go to Palmer. Palmer is the founding chiropractic school with two sister schools, one of which is in Port Orange, Florida. After living in Iowa for most of my life, the chance to go to school in Florida for four years with the prestige of the Palmer name, it was an easy decision to make. When visiting the school I learned that I would be getting as much credit hours and training as medical doctors. However, my educational plan focused more in neurology, anatomy and physiology and less in biochemistry and pharmacology. The instructing doctors were from all over the country. This enabled me to achieve a diverse education through a variety of talented and successful doctors who wanted to give back to the profession. Through my hard work I was able to graduate magna cum laude and attain the Presidential Scholar award.

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Through the practice of chiropractic I hope to educate and help as many people as I possibly can. Most people have simply not been properly educated on what chiropractic care can do for them. They do not know that misalignments in your spine, termed subluxations, put added stress onto your body. This makes the body less able to deal with the external stresses you put it through in daily life.

Your spine is the most important structure in the body because it houses the most important organ system, the nervous system. Without the proper nerve communication, your body does not know how to function. The subluxations disrupt the communication and increase the body’s internal stress.

By removing the subluxations through chiropractic adjustments, it not only allows your body to relieve itself of stress and pain naturally, but through regular care, together we can set the stage for your body to prevent health problems from occurring before they begin.

Many people take pills to fix their pain, only to find that the pain soon returns. As a result, they begin to take more pills to mask the pain and never actually correct the underlying problem that’s causing the pain in the first place. Removing the subluxation helps to correct the direct cause of your pain.

Vertebral subluxation is a common cause of the aches and pains people have every day. Most people think that the condition that they are in is just how they are and that they have to live with it. What people do not realize is that their symptomatic problems can be helped with chiropractic treatment and they do not have to live in pain. That is why I offer complimentary examination for Jacksonville area residents to come into my office to get an evaluation so I can assess if there is a problem that I can be helping them with. If I cannot help you, I will let you know that as well and possibly refer you to someone who can. What do you have to lose? You only get one spine for a lifetime, so you need to take care of it!